
Last Update
9 July 2013
Regular License

This is an easy to integrate shoutbox that you can use also as chat. The installation is really easily: You have just to upload one file, follow the introductions and that’s it! With just 27kb, PHP5 OOP and jQuery powered it also very fast and looks also good.


Ajax powered (no page reloads needed!) You have to upload just ONE file to get the shoutbox running/install it. Over 30 smilies included Very easy to integrate into any existing (X)HTML or PHP page on your site Cross browser support (IE6+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and more) Yery, very small: About 27kb (including jQuery, JavaScripts, images and all the rest) Magic quotes compatible XSS secure SQL-Injection protected UTF-8 support Shoutbox uses just 1 css file Clean PHP5 OOP code (very well commented!) Valid XHTML Simple and elegant user interface Smooth transitions SPAM protection Smilie support Really simple installation Uses standard PHP server features Server requirements:

PHP 5 MySQL database A web server (preferably Linux Apache) Update 1.3 – 08.07.2013

Feature/Bugfix: Added the Shoutbox without the installer Bugfix: Updated some CSS for latest browser support Update 1.2 – 18.12.2011

Added: Support for mobile deviced (e.g. iPhone, Android etc.) Bugfix: 500 server error fixed Update 1.1 – 05.11.2009

Several bug fixes Added: Too long words/lines are seperated in several lines Added: Posibility to disable smilies Added: Login-Button added Feature: BBCode: [b][/b] (bold) added Feature: BBCode: [i][/i] (italic) added Feature: BBCode: [url][/url] (link) added Feature: BBCode: [url=][/url] (link) added Tags: Shoutbox, Chat, Ajax, PHP, jQuery, UTF-8, Mobile

If you have questions, feel free to comment or send me a mail.

Note: Please disable safe_mode for correct working.