Encoder Assistant

Last Update
16 June 2011

Encoder Assistant is a cross-platform base64 encoder/decoder and hashing utility. When working with web services, you sometimes have to hash or convert text before sending it in a query. Encoder Assistant allows you to input any text and encode to Base64 or use different hashing algorithms.

Encode/decode Base64 MD5 SHA1 SHA224 SHA256 HMAC -MD5 HMAC -SHA1

Double click on the text fields to quickly copy the text to your clipboard.

For more information and support, go to: http://httpassistant.com/?page_id=170

If you do not have the Adobe Air runtime installed on your computer, make sure you install it prior to downloading and running Encoder Assistant. You can download Adobe Air here: http://get.adobe.com/air/?promoid=BUIGQ