Simple Bulletin Board - Login Anywhere

Last Update
31 May 2011
Regular License
Extended License

SBB Login Anywhere 1.0 2011-05-29

This is a Simple Bulletin Board Addon

Keep in touch with updates and subscribe to

This Addon offers you the possibility to add loginform and logged in user information anywhere on your website where your SBB is installed.

to try the login function use

user: admin pass: pass URL:

Requirements Installed and running Simple Bulettin Board 3.x

Features Login anywehere on your homepage Draws the login form automatically Possibility to redirect to forum after login or stay on current page Possibility to display userinformation of logged-in User anywhere on your website Logout method included ... Changelog

Official Release V1.0 2011-05-29

> -> first version released

I hope you like it and everything works fine for you

regards mac