attentionGrabber: Wordpress Notification Bar

Last Update
9 March 2013
Regular License

attentionGrabber is a plugin for Wordpress that allows you to add a notification bar to your website. With this plugin you can easily display custom texts, Twitter posts and Feeds RSS. Also, the huge list of features lets you fully customize the notifications look. attentionGrabber is a simple but effective solution to market your products and share contents through your website. It is confirmed by a huge number of clients that by using the plugin you will attract the attention of your viewers increasing

Conversion rate of a product/service you promote online Subscribers to your blog feeds and e-mail newsletter Followers to your Twitter page Likers on Facebook

1.6 Update 09/03/2013

Major bug fixing on the back-end Performance improvements on both back-end and front-end Fixed the contextual help not showing up AttentionGrabber now follows the best Wordpress coding standards

1.5 Update 07/01/2012

Fixed bugs with Wordpress 3.3 Better integration with the Wordpress 3.3 help panel AG now plays nicely with the BuddyPress Bar (they are still not 100% compatible!)

1.4 Update Spreading it’s now easier! We have added the shortcodes for Facebook Like, Twitter Like and Google +1. You now only have to use a simple tag the add the buttons in your bars. Example: [fblike url=""] You can also add two classes to improve the look and feel:

width: Specify the width of the button in pixels. Set to 90px by default.

colorscheme: Choose between the “light” and “dark” color schemes. Set to “light” by default.

Requirements: PHP 5 and Wordpress 3.0 Visit the official webpage to get a better look at the plugin!

Video Tour: Installation – General Tour Also don’t forget to read our FAQs Features:

Unlimited bars Fixed and Inline position Animation Effects Custom Text (HTML is supported) Twitter RSS and ATOM Feeds Multiple fading messages Click counter for each bar Customizable appearance (14 points of customization such as background, text and link color, font family, height, border size and much more) 6 Predesigned themes Custom CSS Advanced Settings Check for updates (a message will inform you about new available updates) Support for shortcodes (You can add your own shortcodes) 7 Prebuilt shortcodes: Facebook Like; Twitter Like; Google +1; Post title; Page title; Link; Multiple messages

Credits [script] Colorpicker

[script] jquery.rule

Support Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this plugin.

Best, MTD