MySql .Net Media Library

Last Update
2 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

The purpose of this library is to help developers to build a media gallery website or extend an existing website. This library contains all methods needed for building media websites. How to use it: Add lib reference or project reference to your new or existing website and start using the library. For concrete examples of usage see the MVC4 demo app or the ASPX admin application.

Key Features:

MySQL database storage Self-managed file cache Manage photo albums Photo comments (multi language support) Manage videos (store only codes or links to videos) Video comments (multi language support) File cache dependency provider for custom file cache store or memory cache store Self-monitoring tool for database access – provide you the information for improved file cache system depending your needs .Net Framework 4.0 C# Image resizer wrapper for Clean and self-explained code Single interface for data access Installation scripts Administration website included with user access protection API documentation Content Delivery Network for images ready Public cache headers for images MVC4 Razor demo web app ASPX admin web app