Tabs Widget for WordPress

Last Update
20 June 2013
Regular License

This plugin creates a new WordPress widget to display a tabbed panel with different content types on your site, from recent or popular posts to your latest tweets from your Twitter timeline. Tabs can rotate one after the other thus allowing for more exposure of the content: your posts are no longer hidden. Content types

Display recent posts from any taxonomy, not just categories or tags but any custom taxonomy! Posts can display featured images & the excerpt. You can also truncate post title length according to a given number of characters. Supports multiple widget instances Generate a tag cloud with the terms of the selected taxonomy Show latest comments on the site including the user’s avatar List your most popular posts by number of comments

Display your latest tweets using WordPress HTTP API, including the ability to cache your tweets. Works with newest Twitter API 1.1. Text field with HTML and WordPress’ shortcodes support Showcase your most popular posts using statistics from Stats Or simply display your most recent posts, regardless of category, tag or taxonomy

Plugin features

Unlimited number of tabs! Rotation speed can be set or disabled for each widget individually. Cross Browser Compatibility, yes, even IE 6 Adjust number of posts to show on each tab Set thumbnail size and position Set custom title per tab Contextual help in WordPress Admin interface Easily skinnable through CSS with three different skins included. Great documentation to get you started fast!


Support is offered exclusively through the support forums.

See also on CodeCanyon
