Delicious CSS3 buttons

Last Update
3 May 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Delicious CSS3 Buttons

The perfect partner for our Delicious CSS3 notifications. This delicious CSS3 buttons set delivers a set of buttons created entirely using the latest CSS3 code.


The buttons are delivered in all the colours of the rainbow (in both bright and pastel hues) and in a variety of styles including;

Large Small Totally rounded Animated “Chunky”

The styles are all stackable allowing you to apply several different effects to your buttons creating a totally unique look and feel.

Icons Buttons are great on their own but to really improve the user experience this particular button set allows you to add icons to your buttons.

With a simple markup change you can easily add icons to represent the following;

Back Forward Download Upload Edit RSS Delete Login Love Tag Refresh Lock Unlock Search Add Confirm Time Trash Email Comments Bookmark Top

Easy installation Simply include a css file in the head of your page, add the icon images to your images folder and the buttons are ready to go.