
Last Update
19 February 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Domain tools is a class that can be used to get information about a domainname. The information about the domain is retrieved from Google, Bing, Yahoo, Alexa and DNS servers.

Check if a domainname is free. Supported extensions: be, biz, cn, com,, de, edu, eu, fr, ie, in, info, jp ,mobi, name, net, nl, nu, org, tv, us, ws, hu, pl, se, ca Get Google and Alexa rank for a domain Indexed pages on Google, Bing and Yahoo Count backlinks with Google and Yahoo Whois information Top keywords for a domain 3 examples included Example of how to show all info for 1 specific domain.


v1.13.1 (11/21/2011) * Fixed Google PageRank * Fixed Google indexed pages

v1.13.0 (09/08/2011) * Added CA domain support * Better socket handling

v1.12.0 (07/14/2011) * Added support for se domains * Updated Google index and backlinks count code * New documentation

v1.11 (04/18/2011) Added support for pl domains

v1.10 (02/18/2011) Fixed error when trying to use Free method without an array ($DomainTools->Free('sitebase', 'be')

v1.9 (02/18/2011) Fixed whois bug for domains

v1.8 (08/30/2010) * Added support for hu domain extension * Fixed errors when get ranks for new domains

v1.7 (07/30/2010) * Top keywords fix (Alexa changed structure)

v1.6 (05/16/2010) * Added support for ws domain extension * Fix Google index and backlink count so that it works with Googles changes

v1.5 (04/05/2010) * Fixed Google backlinks for big websites

v1.4 (03/15/2010) * Stripped some garbage strings from the keywords * Fixed Alexa delta and ranking * Removed deprecated ereg function

v1.3 (11/11/2009) * Fixed some problems in the Indexed pages and Backlink checker * Added a fully working form to check if a domain name is free