Subscriber Traffic Pop

Last Update
21 April 2011
Regular License

Subscriber Traffic Pop is the hottest new way to gain newsletter, email list subscribers in high volume with no work. The revolutionary Traffic Pop idea has been extended into a whole new category with email subscriptions! More emails = more traffic = more $$$$!


Easy to use jQuery Plugin means installation and configuration is a breeze! HTML5 email form uses built in browser validation AJAX form submit with return support Locks all background page usability Timeless, clean design Beautiful fade in / fade out effects Fully documented included commented source files Works with any type of site and newsletter form processor with support for custom close buttons on callback Other Information

Subscriber Traffic Pop allows you to use any form processor for taking care of the newsletter sign-up. You can do this via supplying action, and method form variable through the jQuery plugin and also specify custom elements to use as close buttons in the message returned from your form processor.