jQuery Menu

Last Update
19 April 2011
Regular License
Extended License

This script is a new two level design for website menus. It features a main visible row of menus each with a title and a short description under. When the mouse is hovering over main menus, those with sub items will display their sub items using beautiful animating transition. If the colors aren’t your cup of tea, this item comes with 5 color variants and a detailed documentation to help you start with your brand new menu. The main features of this menu are:

Really smooth and unique transitions Can be easily altered via CSS It’s super easy to integrate into an already existing website. Valid XHTML / CSS 3 markup Cross Browser Support Can be extended to support more than 5 columns using CSS Allows nice icons for every sub category Shadows inside columns and behind icons Includes all the source Photoshop design

Compatible Browsers

Firefox 4 Firefox 3 Safari 5 Safari 4 Opera Chrome Internet Explorer 9 Internet Explorer 8 Internet Explorer 7 Internet Explorer 6 (best effort)