JavaScript Animated Counter

Last Update
16 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Simple, animated JavaScript counter, which will allow You to present rapidly increased or decreased values, such as number of registered users, total income etc. But that’s not all… this counter can be also used as a text or date & time displayer or as a clock. It can be also used as a countdown, to show time left for the beginning of a product release campaign or a sale start.


Counter is fully-customizable. Counter can be also used as an any text, date, time or any symbol displayer. Animated, smoothed scroll in 3 different style: fixed time, fixed speed and slot machine. 3 scroll directions, upwards, downwards and mixed You can prefix or postfix counter with any currency sign Decimal values can be shown with decimal separator and thousands separators. Integer values can be shown thousands separators. Custom events, e.g. called when counter is loaded or it’s current value has changed Easy coding and configuring thanks to implemented, descriptive enumerations