FotoTag - WordPress photo tagging Plug-in

Last Update
25 April 2012
Regular License

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A new version is now available

A new version of FotoTag, released in 16 March 2012 is now available for download. Make sure you upgrade to the latest version.

FotoTag in a nutshell WP-FotoTag is an advanced photo tagging plug-in for WordPress. The plug-in not only adds annotations to your photos but can fully customize the photo and the tags with its’ API. You can choose from the multiple pre-installed styles or create your own. WP-FotoTag supports multi-users access and can be activated on any image in your blog. FotoTag Features Easy to use Works with WordPress 3+ with any WordPress Theme. Requires no CSS or JavaScript knowledge to use. Easily integrates in any part of your WP blog. ShortCodes support Highly Customizable Includes 11 pre-installed styles. Styles customizable with settings forms. Create your own styles with CSS and JavaScript. A full and documented API is made to customize your tags. Photo Tag editor Easy and consistent tags editor. Smoothly select tags with the Jcrop plug-in. Edit already existing photos. Advanced settings Enable users to edit tags, create new photos or change styles. Enable users editing for specific photos only. Add an edit button to the top of photos. Disable FotoTag functionality without deleting photos. FotoTag default styles Tags Styles Default Fade Light Tooltip Tabbed Zoom Banner Image Styles Opacity Effect Overlay Effect FancyBox Overlay Fancybox FotoTag for developers WordPress Theme developers can benefit from FotoTag. If you are selling themes either in ThemeForest or in another marketplace, FotoTag can be a precious and unique addition. The advantage is that you can customize the style to fit with your template. A through documentation was written for developers to start developing for FotoTag. Important notes Browser support FotoTag works with IE7+, however, the photo tags editor works only with IE8+. This only affects users who wants to edit tags in a photo and uses IE7. This doesn’t affect the tags in any way. FotoTag in a slider FotoTag is garanteed to work in any part of your blog, given that no other JavaScript code interacts with the photo. FotoTag may work inside a slider, but it’s not garanteed to. Help and Support We have tried to simplify our documentation and website, so make sure you read it. If you still have a question or a suggestion, please post a comment. If you think you found a bug, please contact me from my profile. Change Log Version 1.0.1 Shortcode support 4 additional styles Version 1.0 Initial release