Flexible Contact Form with Admin Panel

Last Update
15 August 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Best and most Flexible Contact Form available. Changing ‘Admin Username’, ‘Admin Password’ and ‘Page Title’ is disabled on the demo version.


Easy to use AJAX contact form Easy to Implement in your own template! Powered by jQuery Easy installation process! Antispam Verification Email Validation ‘Admin’ folder can be renamed without any coding No database or PHP knowledge is required Flexible control via admin panel Compatible with all web-browsers Lots of settings to take over full control of your Form Creates a session so you dont have to login when navigating elsewhere

Next Update

More Options For all field types List & Pick Multiple options field – Completed Redesign of the contact form. – Almost Completed Events in Calendar !!! Location Field!!! – Completed ( Check the beta development page ) Much Better Captcha system that regenerates new captcha after submission Admin to use AJAX instead of refresh Admin redesigned for easier addition of fields and more..

Demos: Front End:http://mistirio.com/codecanyon/flexi/Admin Panel:http://mistirio.com/codecanyon/flexi/admin

Username: admin Password: admin

Beta development Contact form: Front End:http://mistirio.com/codecanyon/beta_flexi/Admin Panel:http://mistirio.com/codecanyon/beta_flexi/admin

Username: admin Password: admin

Updates V 2 .0 Added date field. Added Slider Field More than one file uploaders. Added Settings for the file upload. Added default text when field is empty (optional) Better Special Options Managment. Fixed the remove file button. Fixed utf-8 characters sent through email. Fixed ten other minor bugs. V 1 .5 Added Uploading support and dropdown list. V 1 .4 Now supports all types of characters. Fixed some bugs V 1 .2 Fixed support for integrating in your own template. V 1 .1. Added Radio Buttons and Check-boxes Support