SWS Sliding Tabs add-on for Styles with Shortcodes

Last Update
20 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Styles with Shortcodes is a great plugin that makes life easier using WordPress whether you are a seasoned developer, designer or just a normal user!

We have created a Add-On plugin for Styles with Shortcodes. The plugin adds 2 additional Shortcodes to the Styles with Shortcodes plugin. Create cool looking jQuery powered Sliding Tabs with the simplicity of Shortcodes in WordPress. Create any number of tabs and make them slidable with the mouse scroll wheel or the directional buttons. Choose between 2 different tabs; Horizontal or Vertical. And choose between 3 different transitions; Horizontal, Vertical and Fade.  Combine the Horizontal and Vertical transition with more than 30 different easing effects. You can try the SWS Sliding Tabs your self before you decide whether to buy it.

Simply use the following login details Username: DemoUserPassword: TryMeNow List of features

2 Different Tabs; Horizontal or Vertical

3 Different Transitions: Horizontal Slider, Vertical Slider and Fade. 32 different jQuery Easing Effects Set height and width of panel Auto Play feature Allow external URL tab linking (If you want to link to tab number 4 or tab number 8) Optional saving tab state Optional Auto Height and Auto Width Set height of viewpoint (visible area above the bottom navigation) Supports the following browsers; Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 3+, Google Chrome 4+, Opera 9+, Safari 4+

Support and Updates We support our plugins and have a professional support ticket system setup to handle and track all issues or requests from our customers. Follow us on Envato or Twitter to stay up to date with new releases and updates.

Change log Version 1.0.5 rev31270 – December 18, 2012

Bug Fixed: Compatibility with jQuery 1.8.3 (related to WordPress 3.5) Bug Fixed: Missing navigation arrows on jQuery 1.8.3

Version 1.0.4 rev20622 – February 20, 2012

Bug Fixed: Additional CSS is not allowing lists to have bullets in content of tabs

Version 1.0.3 rev7814 – October 20, 2011

Bug Fixed: Avoid themes and plugins from manipulating the tabs href (blank tab on first load) Bug Fixed: Prevent the theme from setting a bullet on the sliding tabs Bug Fixed: Compatibility fix, another plugin was preventing the wheel-mouse library to be loaded Bug Fixed: Enable autoplayClickStop:true New Feature: Tab scripting, allow to specify a set of tabs for auto-play. Write tab numbers separated by comma to auto-play through the tabs. Upgrade: Sliding Tabs library to 1.1.6 – bundle restore is required on upgrade Update: Removed padding from tabs Update: Adjusted z-index New Feature: Enable AutoplayClickStop:true

Version 1.0.2 rev5905 – June 15, 2011

New Feature: Apply new CSS unique naming to avoid conflict with themes New Feature: Enable external URL tab linking New Feature: Add resources for tab save state option New Feature: Handle tab save state, tab animation setting, tab animation time and buttons function slide or click Bug Fixed: Tab scrolling was leaving some tabs outside the viewable area Updated vertical and horizontal tab shortcode to new library

Version 1.0.1 rev4465 – April 13, 2011

Fixed Bug: IE7 compatibility

Version 1.0.0 rev3179 – April 9, 2011

First release

Free Add-ons for Styles with Shortcodes We have received many requests for new Shortcodes form people who have purchased the plugin. And therefore we have decided to introduce Add-on for Styles with Shortcodes. We have created a number of Free add-ons, which you can download from our website. Rememer that you need a valid license of Styles with Shortcodes in order to use these add-ons. We also have some add-ons that you can buy for a low price from our portfolio on Codecanyon.

Sources – Credits and Licenses We have used the following opensource projects, graphics, fonts, API’s or other files as listed. Thanks to the author for the creative work they made.

Sliding TabsjQuery Plugin, http://codecanyon.net/item/sliding-tabs-jquery-plugin/141774 Item Purchase Code: d3af8ca8-f4cd-4bab-991d-fcb8b34e3d75 Licensor’s Author Username: 360north Licensee: RightHere LLC License Type: ONE EXTENDED LICENSE