WordPress Jobbin

Last Update
26 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Version 1.0 has been completely rewritten using the Roo framework. This version allows shortcodes, infinite categories and subcategories, types and subtypes, and everything custom post types and taxonomies provide.

Please provide feedback for version 1.4.1!

What’s new in version 1.4.1

Added file upload (attachment) to contact form Added missing strings to translation file

Offer job listings on your site with Jobbin! Your users can add jobs or browse jobs apply via the suggested method. The administrator can approve/deny any job and controls publishing status.

Customize your plugin’s behaviour the way you want it!

There is an RSS link available on the jobs page. Submit your RSS 2 feed URI to any RSS feed engine (Google FeedBurner) and let other people know when you update your jobs.

Feed your jobs into another site.