CSS3 Zi-Trendy Cirlce Pricing Tables + Paypal Popu

CSS3 Zi-Trendy Cirlce Pricing Tables + Paypal Popu

A Trendy CSS3 Animated Circle pricing table developed my item from graphic river – Zi-Trendy Cirlce Pricing Tables for the codecanyon users. • 3 Trendy Colours • Animated on hover • Easy to change the colors according to your website theme. • Easy to integrate on any template or websites. • Paypal Popup once clicked on “Order” link. • Option to give the customer discount coupon codes or can be used the popup as a login form if the user is n...

Round Pricing Tables

Round Pricing Tables

Round Pricing Table Features Clean design CSS3 animations Simple color change Cross browser support No images Font icons Pure CSS3 Google web font PSD source included Documentation included   Others features: Font Awesome Fonts by Google  

Pure CSS Social Arcade Buttons.

Pure CSS Social Arcade Buttons.

-11 Buttons for your website. -3 Different sizes. -Realistic Push Effect. -Customizable color. -No images, pure CSS3. -Easy to insert.

CSS3 Accordion and Toggle Widget Kit

CSS3 Accordion and Toggle Widget Kit

CSS3 Accordion and Toggle Widget Kit includes a set of easy to style and implement – Pure CSS3 flexible and responsive Accordions and Toggle Widgets. The accordion and toggle is built with CSS3 and HTML and does not use any Javascript. Some of the outstanding features include having a panel or multiple panels open by default, all panels closed by default, 200+ beautiful vector Font-Awesome icons (Optional), 100% fluid width design which me...

Responsive CSS3 Pricing Tables

Responsive CSS3 Pricing Tables

Simple and unique style for pricing tables. Styles to choose are Light and Dark, with possibility of choosing 12 different colors for each of the style. No images needed, pure css3 and html files. Fully responsive and adapted for all grids. Hello! Be in touch with us Features Fully Responsive 12 Color Variations Light and Dark Style 3 Styles CSS3 Ribbons with 12 Colors Simple edit text on Ribbons No Images Needed CSS3 Tooltip Active and H...

CSS3 Responsive Designer Toolbox

CSS3 Responsive Designer Toolbox

CSS3 Responsive Designer Toolbox Light & Dark Versions Four Colors Included Menu with Multi column Support Pricing Tables Tabs, Accordion, Forms Info Messages, Tooltips Progress Bars, Buttons Modal Boxes Field CSS3 Validation Help Tooltips Full Responsive & Many More Inside Pack Folder Css Folder Font Folder Images Read_me.pdf Icons Used in Project – IcoMoon Free Font FONT USED IN PROJECT (Free Font) – Font PT Sans FONT ...

CSS3 Responsive Pricing Table

CSS3 Responsive Pricing Table

Responsive pricing table created with CSS3. Simple and clean design without unnecessary elements and icons. Easy to use and customize.

FlatNav Responsive Menu

FlatNav Responsive Menu

FlatNav is a responsive menu to organize your website navigation. It comes with different colors to adapt to your site and have a flat design for a modern look. This menu includes more than 240 icons and 3 different type of navigation, you can combine the three types of navigation or use only the one you like. Make your website easy and intuitive to surf with this responsive menu.

CSS3 Image - Text Hover Effects

CSS3 Image - Text Hover Effects

Features: 8 Standard Background Animations. Multiple Background Animation in 1 Hover. More than 15 Background Combinations. 14 Text Effects. 2 Background colors. (Light and Dark). 8 Box Sizes: – Vertical SmallBorder – Vertical NoBorder – Horizontal Bigsquare SmallBorder – Horizontal Bigsquare NoBorder – Horizontal Smallsquare SmallBorder (Thumbnails) – Horizontal Smallsquare NoBorder (Thumbnails) – Horizontal Full SmallBorder (Full Wi...