
OsCommerce Mijireh Payment Gateway

OsCommerce Mijireh Payment Gateway

Mijireh Checkout saves you money and gives you peace of mind. Pick from over 90 payment gateways to use on our secure PCI compliant servers. Increase your conversion rates by using your existing website design. Your checkout process remains seamless to your customers while Mijireh Checkout securely handles the collecting and transmitting of the credit card data for you.

osCommerce 2.3.1 Dynamic Meta Tag Module

osCommerce 2.3.1 Dynamic Meta Tag Module

Updates March 7, 2012 – V2: Fix to show canonical tag only when the URL shows extra parameters. Other wise penalties may occur. (also added parameters for category sort filter and popular affiliate program, Commission Junction, so if you have any affiliate traffic, the Search engines will not index any affiliate ID’s) Fix manufacturer keywords when visiting a product page VIA a manufacturer link. New function to remove the trailing separato...